Page 4 - Gellin og Borgstrøm

Gellin & Borgstrøm
Gellin & Borgstrøm
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Page 4

Gellin & Borgstrøm
Recorded 1919
I Stormskritt
Accordion solo by Ernst Borgström
Recorded in Berlin 1919
Accordion solo by Ernst Borgström
Recorded in Berlin 1919
           Translation of the above article. (Partial)  

Accordion concert in 1919

What a good comedy or Movie theater have not been able to accomplish,  to get a full house in the theater, the two young Accordion Artists achieved. The ticket agent had to put large posters up, both at the ticket kiosk and entrance with the message: Everything is sold out. People kept coming and begged to be allowed in.

The two young Accordion Artists proved fully equal to the reputation that they achieved. They entertained to a large appreciative audience with a series of sweeping, beautiful Marches, melodious Waltzes and  concert numbers. Somtimes their powerful instruments sounded as a full-toned orchestra, somtimes as a muted organ and with a wealth of transitions that showed how secure their skill was to treat the unusual concert instrument.
They did not escape several encores.

Due to the large attendance and the fact that so many people were turned away, another concert has been planned for Wednesday, Nov. 5, 1919

Sold out

July, 1921
Accordion Masters

The two young, knowledgeable and sympathetic musicians, Gellin and Borgstrøm, has made it an art to become famous virtuosos of the accordion, an instrument  you thought had outlived itself.  It is phenomenal what the two worthy fellows can get out "handpiano", as the Swedes call the accordion., And they play the biggest and most difficult pieces with such skill and musical understanding that it deserves admiration.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
On Monday night Gellin and Borgstrøm give a farewell concert in the Casino's small hall, and on Tuesday  the merry musicians leave for a full year of touring in for Sweden, England and Spain.
Their concert on Monday is their 10th Copenhagen concert.
"Åh, I Morron Kvæl"

Composed by Harry Carlton

Gellin og Borgstrøm

Recorded in Berlin, July 16-19, 1919

on Beka label.
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