The Career
Gellin og Borgstrøm
Biography, Pictures, Recordings.

The following pages is an attempt to organize and present the career of
Gellin & Borgstrøm, from circa 1918 - 1951. Most of the pictures are from a scrapbook that Herman Gellin kept.
By chance I found one of Gellin and Borgstrøm's old recordings on Youtube and contacted the person who had uploaded it. It was Mats Larsson, who is a collector of old recordings from the beginning to about 1930.
Through our many e-mails I learned to my astonishment, that Gellin & Borgstrøm had made numerous recordings throughout their career.
I remember asking my father (Ernst Borgstrøm) as to how many recordings he had made, to which he told me " Oh, we made a few". I personally had about 6 or 7 recordings, so when Mats told me that there were actually several hundred recordings, I was shocked.
Mats encouraged me to research various databases in Europe and the Danish National Museum, and with his help I have now verified about 400 selections starting from 1919 - 1951.
Many of the actual recordings comes from Mats Larssons collection. Other people, to whom I'm very grateful, are: Just Bidstrup, Ole Pilgaard, Mads Nielsen, Steffen Appelquist, Kurt Boehme, Kai Tormod Lunde, Lennart Siden. As a latecomer in my research, Dr Gunni from Iceland, brought forth much information, pictures and recordings which greatly impoved the page on Iceland (see page 30). Finally a big hug to Henning Borgstrøm, who supplied numerous pictures and newspaper articles.
It has taken me about one year to get to this stage, but according to Mats, there are still more recordings to be found, so if anyone have any other recordings of G & B, I would love a sound file (mp3) copy of it. At the end of this website, there are 4 pages of recordings made by Gellin & Borgstrom. Those marked with an "X" I have the sound file.
Gellin & Borgstrøm, from circa 1918 - 1951. Most of the pictures are from a scrapbook that Herman Gellin kept.
By chance I found one of Gellin and Borgstrøm's old recordings on Youtube and contacted the person who had uploaded it. It was Mats Larsson, who is a collector of old recordings from the beginning to about 1930.
Through our many e-mails I learned to my astonishment, that Gellin & Borgstrøm had made numerous recordings throughout their career.
I remember asking my father (Ernst Borgstrøm) as to how many recordings he had made, to which he told me " Oh, we made a few". I personally had about 6 or 7 recordings, so when Mats told me that there were actually several hundred recordings, I was shocked.
Mats encouraged me to research various databases in Europe and the Danish National Museum, and with his help I have now verified about 400 selections starting from 1919 - 1951.
Many of the actual recordings comes from Mats Larssons collection. Other people, to whom I'm very grateful, are: Just Bidstrup, Ole Pilgaard, Mads Nielsen, Steffen Appelquist, Kurt Boehme, Kai Tormod Lunde, Lennart Siden. As a latecomer in my research, Dr Gunni from Iceland, brought forth much information, pictures and recordings which greatly impoved the page on Iceland (see page 30). Finally a big hug to Henning Borgstrøm, who supplied numerous pictures and newspaper articles.
It has taken me about one year to get to this stage, but according to Mats, there are still more recordings to be found, so if anyone have any other recordings of G & B, I would love a sound file (mp3) copy of it. At the end of this website, there are 4 pages of recordings made by Gellin & Borgstrom. Those marked with an "X" I have the sound file.
On Page 50 you will find an Index of all the recordings in this website.
Many of the newspaper articles have been translated from danish to english. Just look for
Many of the newspaper articles have been translated from danish to english. Just look for
If you like to leave a comment, please go to page 52
Or e-mail me at: borisborgstrom1@gmail.com
If you like to hear more recordings of Gellin & Borgstrøm, you can find them on youtube:
Boris Borgstrom
October 2014

De følgende sider er et forsøg på at organisere og præsentere karrieren af Gellin og Borgstrom fra 1918 -1951. De fleste af billederne er fra en scrapbog, som Herman Gellin havde samlet gennem årene.
Ved et tilfælde fandt jeg en af Gellin og Borgstrøm gamle optagelser på "YouTube" og kontaktede den person, der havde oploaded den. Det var Mats Larsson fra Sverige, som er en samler af gamle optagelser fra begyndelsen til omkring 1930.
Gennem vores mange e-mails jeg lærte til min forbavselse, at Gellin & Borgstrøm har gjort talrige indspilninger hele deres karriere. - Jeg kan huske at spørge min far (Ernst Borgstrøm), hvor mange optagelser, han havde gjort, som han fortalte mig "Åh, vi lavede en del". Jeg personligt havde omkring 6 eller 7 optagelser, så når Mats fortalte mig, at der var faktisk flere hundrede, jeg var chokeret. Mats opfordrede mig til at forske i forskellige databaser i Europa og Den Danske Museum, og med Mats hjælp jeg har nu bekræftet omkring 400 optagelser fra 1919-1951.
De fleste af de optagelser stammer fra Mats Larsson samling.
Som en efterkommer i min forskning, Dr. Gunni fra Island, frembragte meget information, billeder og optagelser, som i høj grad forbedrede siden på Island (se side 30).
Andre mennesker, som jeg er meget taknemmelig, er: Just Bidstrup, Ole Pilgaard, Mads Nielsen, Steffen Appelquist og Kurt Boehme, Kai Tormod Lunde. Og endelig et stort knus til Henning Borgstrøm, som har leveret en lang række billeder og avisartikler.
Endelig et stort knus til Henning Borgstrøm, som har leveret en lang række billeder og avisartikler.
Det har taget mig omkring et år at komme til denne fase, men ifølge Mats, er der stadig flere optagelser, der skal findes, så hvis nogen har andre optagelser af Gellin og Borgstrøm, vil jeg meget gerne have en kopi af den, sammen med et billede af etiketten.
Ved slutningen af denne hjemmeside, er der 4 sider af indsplildninger af Gellin og Borgstrøm.
De der er markeret med et "X", jeg har lydfilen.
Mange af de avisartikler er blevet oversat fra dansk til engelsk. Bare se efter

Jeg vil gerne have dine kommentar om denne hjemmside. Vær venlig og gå til side 52
Eller e-mail mig: borisborgstrom1@gmail.com
Hvis du vil lytte til flere indspildninger af Gellin og Borgstrøm, kan du finde dem på You tube: